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When they were in high school, Sam began their work as a worship musician when they were hired to play clarinet and saxophone at Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, where they still play every Sunday. Since working at Holy Family, Sam has also had the opportunity to sing in their concert choir, play other instruments, and even write a Mass, which they titled "Mass of the Holy Family."

In 2017, Sam was hired to serve as Director of Music Ministries at the Unitarian Society of Hartford (USH). This position involves directing the church choir as well as serving as their accompanist, choosing music for worship, and composing/arranging for choir, piano and organ.


When COVID-19 began to change the way businesses operated, churches were not immune, and thus, USH began to conduct services online. Along with their responsibilities as music director, Sam took up the mantle of serving as USH's media producer. While in-person worship was on hold, Sam used both their music performance, composition and production skills in tandem with their media production skills to create loving, inviting worship media for USH as well as other churches conducting worship remotely.

Sam continues to develop his skills as a music minister and director through their position at USH.


Sam leads a virtual sing-along of the Unitarian Universalist hymn, "Meditation on Breathing"

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